The Color Run™, also known as the ‘Happiest 5k on the Planet’, is a unique paint race that celebrates healthiness, happiness and individuality.

Less about your running pace and more about having the time of your life, The Color Run is a five-kilometer, un-timed race in which thousands of participants are doused from head to toe in different colors at each kilometer.

The fun continues at the finish line with a gigantic “Finish Festival,” using more colored powder to create happiness and lasting memories, not to mention millions of vivid color combinations. Trust us, this is the best post-5km party on the planet! 

With only two rules, the idea is easy to follow:

1. Wear white at the starting line;
2. Finish plastered in color!

Now the single largest event series in the nation, The Color Run is exploding since our debut event in USA, 2012 and Romania, 2014, with hundreds of events each year, more than 40 countries and millions of participants at the start line! 


Run, love, color! 

Love is the air! Assort your smile with the sun, color your soul with a lot of goodness and be ready for a race that brings us all closer! The Color Run LOVE TOUR, the new concept of the year 2019, is the most colorful of all up to now and has a participation kit that will conquer you! 

The white shirt has a different design, the unicorn on the medal has changed its look, and the buff and tattoos will complete your look! 

We have to gather as many people as possible at the start line!
The Color Run Love Tour is about friends, family and all the things we love! Come to color us in thousands of nuances! 


Prepare your running shoes, tie your laces and join the run.

A five-kilometer race can bring you more good mood than you thought. The “Happiest 5K on the Planet!” arrives in 2019 for the first time in the Republic of Moldova! 

All over you will see just happy people who live the magic experience of The Color Run.

Some of them never ran five kilometers, but they accepted the colorful challenge.
Are you ready to bring some happiness into your life?